Shiver By The River -5k and 10k Winter Races
2024-2025 Race Dates
December 8, 2024
January 12, 2025
February 9, 2025
March 9, 2025
All Races starts at 10:00 A.M.
Registration opens at 8:30 A.M.
Shiver by the River – Winter Race Series is run in Muhlenberg Township at Jim Dietrich Park, from December through March. This is a low key, no frills race.
Charlie Horse Half Marathon/Dirty Pony 5K!
9:15 AM Start for the Dirty Pony
Join us Memorial Day Weekend for the Charlie Horse Trail Half-Marathon to benefit Berks Co. Special Olympics. This is a point to point race which will require you to get to the finish, rather than making it an option to NOT finish.
Deena Andrus Memorial Run for the Ages 10k Trail Chase:
Sunday June 15, 2025 8:30 am (Start time staggered by age group)
Join us for the running 12th annual running of the only trail race with an age graded start (that we know of) on the east coast. Sure, you run the local trail races and are happy to compete and maybe place in your age group. But what if that effort let you win the whole Chase? Have you ever said, “I could have beaten that guy in my prime”? Are you as fast as you once thought you were? Who really is the fastest in your family? Now’s your chance to prove it
Blues Cruise 50k Ultra Marathon
Held annually the first weekend of October, the Pagoda Pacers proudly present an Ultra suitable for introducing newcomers to the world of Ultra Trail Running! Themed aid stations are well stocked by local (ultra) runners! For more information, contact
Berks County Junior High Cross Country
Fall “Run Off” Invitational
Saturday, October 19th, 7 to 11AM, at the Reading Fairgrounds.
The “Fall Run-Off” Invitational Boys and girls races are for all 7th, and 8th grade Berks County runners who have competed for a BCIAA school district during the junior high season.
Oley Valley Country Classic 10 Mile and 5k
Sunday November 3, 2024. the Pagoda Pacers will be hosting the 30th annual Oley Valley Country Classic!
This year the 10 mile and 5k event, the date is back in heart of Fall in November when the leaves look their finest. New location, Oley Valley High School.
The excitement is brewing and we look forward to our fall country classic.
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2024 KRIS KRINGLE 5 Mile Run
Sunday December 29th, 2024 10AM
Berks County Ag Center
The race changes direction every year giving runners a different perspective of the beautiful course. It is stroller and walker friendly. There are fast road sections, slow hill sections, gorgeous trail in the Blue Marsh Lake area and a section of the Union Canal trail next to a beautiful trout stream.
Triple Trail Challenge 50.3
The Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club have introduced a trail race series which starts with the
Charlie Horse Trail Half Marathon (not the Dirty Pony 5k). The second Pagoda Pacers trail race in the series is the
Run for the Ages Trail Chase 10k in June. The final race in the series is the
Blues Cruise 50k in October. Any runner completing all three races will receive a sweet bit of runner swag at the finish line at Blues Cruise. No special registration effort is required. Just sign up and complete all three races in the series
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Triple Trail Starter Pack
New for this year is a race series designed for runners new to trails. The first race in the

series is The Dirty Pony 5K. The second race is the Run for the Ages 10K Trail Chase. The final race is doing one of the legs of the Blue Marsh Relay in October. Please note that runners doing a leg of the relay must be a member of a team registered to run the relay. Not ready to commit to the series? You can still sign up for the races individually on Ultrasignup and still complete the Starter Pack.
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